Friday 5 July 2013

Our Visit to West Midlands Safari Park

On Monday 24th June we visited West Midlands Safari Park.
On our tour of the park we saw lots of different animals including white tigers, elephants, zebras and lions. One giraffe came right up to the bus and looked through the window!
After lunch we saw a sea lion show and watched the penguins having fun. Some of us were brave enough to enter the bat cave, even though we had to hold our noses because the smell was so strong.
We enjoyed ourselves on the rides. Some of our favourites were ‘Log Flume’, ‘Pirate ship’, ‘Water Rapids’ and ‘Twister’. Some children were very wet indeed after going on the water rides.
A lovely time was had by all.

Our Visit to Cog Moors Environmental Education Centre

On Thursday 27th June we visited Cog Moors Environmental Education centre at Dinas Powys. The trip was part of our ‘Environment’ topic and we certainly learned a lot!
We found out that on average, one person uses 150 litres of water per day. That is a lot of water!!
We were set different exciting challenges throughout the day. You can see some of these in the photographs we took.
Mari, the instructor, used lots of environmental vocabulary. Some of the words we talked about were biodegradable, non-biodegradable, drought and water efficiency. We also used the saying ‘Reuse, Reduce, Recycle’.
We carried out our own investigation to find out approximately how much water is wasted each year from a dripping tap. During the experiment Alfie displayed excellent mathematical skills using the calculator, to total all the results. We found out that one tap left dripping for a year, was the equivalent to 131 baths full of water!
We all agreed it was a very enjoyable and educational day. However, we don’t miss the ‘smell’ (when we toured the treatment works) at all!!