Friday, 16 October 2015

Our visit to the Historical Centre

This week children in year three and four took a short walk to visit the historical centre, which was thoroughly enjoyed by all. During our visit we learnt about ‘life’ which included both humans and animals. We found out all about the human body and its different organs and the important job they do. The children all enjoyed the balance and reaction challenge especially when they competed against the teachers!!!!! We also explored how different animals sight is different from ours and found it hard to write our names wearing the special goggles.

A visit to our school from the Food Standards Agency

On Monday 28th September our school had a visit from the Food Standards Agency. In the morning we went into the hall to watch a play. It was quite funny, but it was helping us to learn all about food hygiene in the kitchen. We found out about the four C’s. These were:-
Cleaning, Chilling, Cross-contamination & Cooking.
In the afternoon we took part in a workshop session to help us learn about how we can prevent food poisoning.
At the end of the day we all had to answer questions to help get the broken computer working again. We were so good we managed to fix the computer!