Thursday, 11 March 2021

Return to school

We are very excited (as I’m sure are you) to have the children return to school on Monday 15 th

March 2021. We would like to settle the children back into the school routine as quickly as possible

and as part of this would like the children to wear their school uniform please.

There have been some changes to the arrangements for your child’s class. 


Start time – 8:50am-9am via top gates on Lanwern Rd. Children to go straight into class via usual


Collection time 2:50pm-3pm via top gate on Lanwern Rd

All KS2 classes will be brought out one class at a time from the top door (near park gates) of the top

block. Please remain socially distanced in the collection waiting area on the top yard until your

child’s name is called. Please exit the school as quickly as possible or return to the collection waiting

area if you have other children to collect.

We appreciate your patience as we are aware that this may take a little longer than usual to collect

your children. We hope that this will provide a more orderly way of collecting your children whilst

keeping everyone safe.

Please do not wait in the path of the one way system.

Younger siblings already collected MUST NOT run around in the collection waiting area. Please

keep them next to you and avoid them mixing with other children on the yard as this compromises

the bubbles we work hard to maintain during the school day. Staff will be on the yard to support

you in the collection waiting area.

Please contact the school if you have any questions regarding the return on Monday. 

Tuesday, 5 January 2021

Google Classroom

If anyone is having problems accessing Google Classroom please watch the video Mr Hall made to help you to log on. 

CLICK HERE to access the video below